
Nutritional and dietary elements that have proven relationships to certain diseases or conditions. The right diet and dietary supplements can help you reduce your risk factors and prevention for chronic diseases.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Acid Reflux Disease Diet

Acid Reflux Disease Diet Planning

Acid reflux disease diet planning will help you control your acid reflux. With a proper diet you can cut down on acids, and reduce your chronic heartburn. Even though you are cutting certain foods out of your diet to reduce acids, you still need to make sure you are eating a balanced diet. Once you know what foods are causing your chronic heartburn it will be easy to avoid them and plan your diet. You may want to talk to your doctor and make sure you are still eating properly. You may need to start taking vitamins to insure a proper diet.

Getting on a proper diet plan is one of the best ways to help prevent acid reflux and heartburn. This is also a great way to get into better shape, as the diet you plan can affect you in many different ways beyond simply preventing your acid reflux. The acid reflux disease diet that you choose can be very important as to the rest of your life, giving you a great opportunity to prevent all sorts of other digestive problems that may be related to acid reflux and keeping you in better, overall shape. This proves that there is more than one good reason to start an acid reflux disease diet.

Acid Reflux diet can also involve cutting out a lot of foods that aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. Foods with a lot of spice or pepper in them are generally discouraged, as are fruits and vegetables that are especially gassy. These foods do nothing but rip and tear at the digestive system in terms of acid reflux, making them a very unwelcome addition to the acid reflux disease diet. The unfortunate thing is that you may, in fact, be cutting out some rather healthy options for the rest of your overall balanced health, but these can be replaced with the right supplements and additional nutrients from other sources.

Cutting, Picking, And Choosing

As you pick what foods you are going to drop from your regular diet, you should replace them with a suitable alternative so that your body does not create other problems due to a lack of a certain vitamin or nutrient. Always consult a medical professional before going on any sort of serious diet as it could seriously impact your health if you make the wrong choices. You should always have your health in mind, first and foremost, even before discomfort and other painful problems. Your acid reflux disease diet is important but it must not rob the body of proper nutrition.

You need to be quite selective in terms of what you will cut out because any sort of improper impact to the makeup of your body's nutrition could end up causing you far worse problems than acid reflux. This, unfortunately, is a part of creating a diet that can cut away some of the vital nutrients of an overall healthy eating plan. To create the best acid reflux disease diet, you should ensure that you always replace something you have taken out with a suitable alternative and always consult a dietician or a doctor for more help if you are unsure of what to do.

Easy Acid Reflux Recipes
Remy Jirek
Acid reflux recipes are available to those who suffer from acid reflux. When you suffer from acid reflux or chronic heartburn it is important that you know what foods are irritants. Some foods will cause you to have more severe heartburn than others. There are certain foods that are more friendly and are recommended for eating, and use in recipes. There are also recipes available to you to help you prepare easy meals at home that will not cause heartburn. If you suffer from acid reflux it is important for you to know which foods are friendly and will not irritate your condition.

For all sufferers of acid reflux, eating mildly and specially selected recipes can bring a fair improvement. Some nutritionists contend that Acid Reflux is not a disease at all but a mere condition that is the result of unhealthy eating habits. The following are some friendly foods and acid reflux recipes for easy home preparation.

Healthy Food For Use In Acid Reflux Recipes

Many vegetables, fruits, and drinks are friendly to people suffering from acid reflux condition and can be used in acid reflux recipes. Fresh and dried apples, and bananas are friendly fruits. Vegetable baked potato; broccoli, cabbage, carrots, green beans and peas are healthy vegetables. Friendly animal foods include ground beef (extra-lean), steak (London Broil), skinless chicken breast, egg whites, egg substitute, and fish with no added fat.

In dairy foods, friendly acid reflux items include dairy cheese (feta or goat), cream cheese (fat-free), and sour cream (fat-free). Multi-grain bread, cereal, bran or oatmeal, corn bread, Graham crackers, Pretzels, Rice (brown or white), and rice cakes are harmless grain-based foods. Filtered pure water is the best drink, and perhaps the only entirely harmless one, for acid reflux condition.

Vegetable Broth

Vegetable broth as described here is alkaline and rich in minerals. Alkalinity neutralizes the acid and provides relief. Vegetable broth can be taken as a simple soup, or as a stock for cooking. Acid reflux recipes for vegetable broth vary in ingredients. The simplest one includes two cups each of red skinned potato peelings, celery tops, beet tops, and carrots. Also needed are three cups of celery stalk, one small onion, one small zucchini or yellow squash, sprig of parsley, and two and a half quarts distilled water. Simply chop all vegetables into very fine pieces. Place in the water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Cool a little for instant use and strain and refrigerate for future use.

Lemon Chive Salad Dressing

Salads of reflux friendly items are very easy to prepare and ideal acid reflux recipes. Lemon chive salad dressing is classic vinaigrette for green salads. To prepare, you would require one lemon juiced, sea salt (pinch), three tablespoons extra-fine sugar, six tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, the same quantity of minced chives and freshly ground black pepper. Now combine lemon juice, salt and sugar in a bowl. Whisk until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Continue whisking in the olive oil, chives and several grinds of pepper. Keep whisking until dressing is emulsified.

Savory Lentils with Texmati Brown Rice

This is a unique preparation among acid reflux recipes. To a large pot bring one pound of rinsed organic lentils to a boil in eight cups of water. Add other ingredients: one chopped onion, three cloves of garlic (chopped), two sliced carrots, two chopped stalks celery, one bay leaf, two sprigs of thyme, and Organic Texmati brown rice (follow instructions on package). Reduce to the simmer, partially covered. Cook until tender (about 20 to 30 minutes), stirring occasionally and adding more liquid as needed. Remove the bay leaf and thyme sprigs. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve over organic Texmati brown rice. Garnish with chopped parsley. Serve with a light green salad, dressed with the lemon chive dressing.

Avoiding Foods That Cause Acid Reflux
Remy Jirek

Avoiding foods that cause acid reflux is very important to those who suffer from acid reflux. Changing your diet can be the most helpful thing you can do to control you acid reflux or chronic heartburn. By avoiding the foods that trigger your acid reflux you will be doing yourself a big favor. Even if you are on medication to control your acid reflux you can sill experience some heartburn if you eat a lot of acidy or spicy foods. Avoiding these types of food is the best way to avoid this problem.

Acid reflux is a painful condition experienced by millions of people every year. In fact, many feel the incidence of acid reflux is on the rise and attribute the increase primarily to the modern diet which is packed with foods high in fat, sugar, caffeine and preservatives - all food components that have been linked to acid reflux. Many physicians suggest the key to successfully managing acid reflux disease is a modified diet, and this is normally the first treatment option attempted.

Acid reflux is basically severe, recurring heartburn, which occurs when stomach contents are pushed upward out of the stomach and into the esophagus. Because the stomach contains very powerful acids used in food digestion, this reflux causes severe pain, and when prolonged, can permanently damage esophageal tissues.

Reducing Symptoms by Changing your Diet: Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

Most acid reflux sufferers can find relief by eliminating foods that cause acid reflux from their diet. Generally, those with acid reflux disease should avoid high fat foods (such as fried foods, high fat meats and high fat dairy products) as well as foods that are high in acid.

Acidic foods that cause acid reflux include citrus fruits (i.e. lemons, grapefruits and oranges) as well as the juices made from them, and high acid vegetables like tomatoes and raw onions. Some beverages can cause (or at least aggravate) acid reflux disease, including sodas, coffee, tea and most other caffeinated beverages. Chocolate is also a common food that causes acid reflux.

Not to despair! There are many foods that are permissible when dieting to avoid acid reflux. Those with the disease can indulge in lean meats, fruits like apples and bananas, and vegetables like carrots, peas, green beans and baked potatoes. Most grains are also acceptable, including whole wheat bread, white bread and both brown and white rice.

An added benefit of eliminating foods that cause acid reflux disease is that these foods typically have a high caloric content. Following the acid reflux diet then, may cause you to lose weight, which is normally a good thing for most acid reflux sufferers - being overweight, and especially being obese is associated with aggravated acid reflux symptoms.

As always, you should consult your doctor before starting a new diet plan. If eliminating the foods that cause acid reflux does not completely eliminate your symptoms, your doctor can suggest other changes and both over the counter and prescription medications may also help.

Acid Reflux Syndrome At A Glance

Remy Jirek

Acid reflux syndrome is becoming more and more common. With acid reflux and chronic heartburn becoming more popular it is important for people to learn about this disorder. Knowing what causes acid reflux, what the symptoms are, and what treatment is available are all important. You also might want to know that acid reflux can occur at any age, from infants to the elderly. If you do suffer from acid reflux talking to your doctor about your options is also very important. Your doctor may even do some tests to see if you have this disorder.

More precisely known as the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), acid reflux syndrome is commonly called acid reflux, reflux, and heartburn (which in fact is the burning effect of the condition experienced by the patient). Essentially, acid reflux is a disorder in which the acid contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus (hence the name reflux). The reflux causes pain and inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus.

Symptoms Of Acid Reflux Syndrome

While heartburn remains the main symptom of acid reflux, a number of associated symptoms are reported including difficulty in swallowing, cramping, sore throat, hoarseness, pain below the breastbone, spitting up at night, unusually high salivation, coughing, bad breath, shortness of breath, and vomiting. Symptoms may appear when one lies down after eating but feels relieved upon sitting up.

Severe heartburn can spread to jaw, neck, arms, and back. Regurgitating stomach contents into the mouth is a common symptom among those suffering from heartburn. This leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Frequent occurrence of reflux is threatening to health because it leads to reflux esophagitis, esophageal narrowing, esophageal ulcer, and Barrett's syndrome, which is a change in the lining of the esophagus that can lead to esophageal cancer.

Causes Of Acid Reflux Syndrome

The main cause of reflux of acid from the stomach is poor functioning of lower esophageal sphincter (LES). While it remains tightly closed in normal conditions, a number of factors can cause the LES to open and let stomach acids reflux. These factors include eating very heavy meals, lying down soon after eating (within two hours), and use of certain drugs like diazepam, meperidine, morphine, prostaglandins, calcium channel blockers, nitrate heart medications and others.

In prone individuals, greasy food and certain food items like chocolate and peppermint can also relax the LES and increase the chances of reflux. Items like caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine may aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux syndrome.

Victims Of Acid Reflux Syndrome

Acid reflux can strike anyone independent of his/her age or sex etc. However, it is most likely to affect people who are overweight, are suffering from hiatal hernia, recurring vomiting, or scleroderma (hardening of skin and connective tissue). Among women, reflux has also been reported to occur more frequently during pregnancy.


Diagnostic tests for acid reflux syndrome x-rays (taken after the patient takes a barium solution) and esophagoscopy in which a flexible viewing tube is inserted into the esophagus for a close examination. Biopsy may be taken during this test and tested for Barrett's syndrome. Esophageal manometry (which measures pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter) and the Bernstein test (which measures the acidity in the esophagus) might also be carried out.

Treatment Of Acid Reflux Syndrome

In mild cases of reflux, taking antacids after meals and at bedtime suffices as treatment. Recommended position in lying down is raising the head of your bed so as to keep the acid flowing away from the esophagus during sleep. Avoiding fatty foods and drinks such as coffee and alcohol that can aggravate reflux goes together with treatment. Drugs for acid reflux syndrome include histamine receptor blockers that help to reduce stomach acids, proton-pump inhibitors (which are more effective at inhibiting acid production), prokinetic or motility drugs (that make the lower esophageal sphincter close more tightly), and omepraxole or lansoprazole, (which can quickly heal esophageal inflammation). In severe reflux conditions, when other treatment methods do not prove effective, surgery is performed. Figures show that less than 25% of reflux patients require surgery.

Acid Reflux Disease Treatment Options
Remy Jirek

Acid reflux disease treatment provides the sufferer with a few different options. If you suffer from chronic heartburn you know how painful it can be, and how important treatment can be. If left untreated more problems can arise. When choosing treatment you do have a few options. You can try a holistic remedy, or a homeopathic remedy, or change your lifestyle. Talking to your doctor is your best option as he can help you decide which lifestyle changes will help you the most. Your doctor can also decide whether or not you will need prescription medication to control your acid reflux.

Millions of people experience the intense pain of acid reflux on a regular basis. Acid reflux disease is thought to result from a problem with the esophageal sphincter muscle, which closes the opening between the stomach and the esophagus. When the muscle does not work correctly, stomach contents (including strong stomach acids necessary for digestion) escape the stomach and move into the esophagus. This results in burning and pain, and if left untreated can even cause tissue damage to the esophagus. So what should those suffering from acid reflux do?

Medical Acid Reflux Disease Treatments

Perhaps the most important piece of advice for someone suffering from acid reflux symptoms is to visit a doctor. Doctors can pinpoint the cause of acid reflux and can also make sure the acid reflux disease treatment used is appropriate. A wide variety of over the counter and prescription drugs are available, but some doctors recommend lifestyle changes first. Only if these lifestyle changes are ineffective are drugs offered as an acid reflux disease treatment. The good news is that these drugs are highly effective for many people suffering from acid reflux. In a very slim minority of cases, when both medical treatments and lifestyle changes fail, surgery may be a last-ditch effort.

Lifestyle Changes

Many doctors attribute the increase in acid reflux to the modern diet filled with simple carbohydrates, high fat goods and relatively low levels of physical activity. Additionally, being overweight makes it more likely you will suffer from acid reflux; it's likely that increase pressure on the stomach (caused by carrying excess weight in the midsection) make it difficult for the esophageal sphincter to function appropriately. Thus, one acid reflux disease treatment that is often suggested is to follow a low fat diet. Additionally, many doctors suggest completely eliminating things that can aggravate acid reflux disease including carbonated beverages, high acid fruits and vegetables and caffeine.

Many who suffer from acid reflux disease find the symptoms worsen at night. This likely occurs because lying flat makes it easier for stomach acid to escape the stomach, there is no force of gravity to keep contents inside the stomach when lying in the prone position. An additional acid reflux treatment that relates to ones lifestyle, then, is to sleep on an incline. Rising a bed just a few inches can be an effective acid reflux disease treatment. For those who sleep with someone who doesn't want to incline, or whose bed prohibits rising only one end, wedge pillows, which simply elevate the head and shoulders can also be purchased.

read more :
acid reflux disease diet

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